Sunday, 20 May 2012

Busy Weekend Ahead

Well it’s a long weekend this weekend, which means holidays and good times for everyone but us hotel workers. 

The hotel was at 95% occupancy just in the afternoon and was expected to be full by the evening. Yesterday the lounge was the busiest I have seen yet. Lucky for us porters the manager came upstairs to help us out and basically control the traffic of food that was being handed to us at an intense speed. There were lots and lots of running up and down the rundle stairs (I’m going to be very fit by the end of this summer, that’s for sure!).

After my long and pretty hard shift I decided to take it easy that night and write out some postcards, which I had picked up at the “OK Gift Shop”. That gift shop has EVERYTHING in it, you name it, and they got it.

A few days ago some friends and I decided to stop in at the Banff Thrift Store (on our way to the movies) just to take a look around and see what was in there (mostly looking for a microwave, which is impossible to find here).  We found a lot of pretty random stuff in there that people had left behind from their previous adventures here, but sadly there was only 1 microwave which was on hold for someone else. L

If you thought a cold or flu spread around fast at school, you haven’t seen anything! There is a pretty nasty cold being spread around staff accommodation at the moment and everyone’s slightly freaking out because nobody wants to be the one to get it next. I have equipped myself with lots of cold medicine and Kleenex just incase it makes its way over to me. 

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